Results for 'Carla Patricia Baetz'

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  1.  17
    Evaluation of losses and waste in craft companies that generate added value with cocoa CCN51 (Theobroma cacao L.) of the Ambato-Ecuador canton.Carla Patricia Pazmino - 2022 - Minerva 3 (8):20-31.
    The craft companies that transform cocoa into value-added products in the Ambato-Ecuador canton generate a large number of losses and waste, causing low production performance, which is not solved by the chocolatiers as they don’t have a clear knowledge of the amount exactly what is lost and how it affects in the productive growth. Therefore, it seeks to quantify the losses and waste generated in the transformation of cocoa into semi-finished products. The work was carried out through the information collected (...)
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    Partir da Inf'ncia Ou a Arché Do Pensamento.Carla Patrícia Silva - 2019 - Childhood and Philosophy 15:01-28.
    Desde o lugar de nascimento da infância, este texto busca, através de Giorgio Agamben (2005), Heráclito (fragmento 52) e Paulo Freire (1982;1986; 2001; 2015), elucidar a coexistência entre infância e tempo. Desse modo, trabalha com a hipótese de que infância e tempo são indefiníveis conceitualmente e diluidoras da ideia de estabilidade, a qual escapa à compreensão de continuidade. É nesse sentido que o presente texto parte da leitura de que a infância é, fundamentalmente, condição de existência da história da humanidade, (...)
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    Um Filosofar-Devir Entre Experiências e Inf'ncia.Carla Patrícia Silva & Walter Matias Lima - 2017 - Revista Sul-Americana de Filosofia E Educação 28:4-26.
    A pesquisa Os enigmas de infância e experiências em uma escola pública da cidade de Maceió/AL: o que revelam? é uma pesquisa de Mestrado, do Programa de Pós-graduação em Educação (PPGE) da Universidade Federal de Alagoas/UFAL, realizada entre 2014 e 2016. O objetivo desta, foi problematizar infância e experiências no cotidiano de uma escola pública no município de Maceió/AL de outra maneira. Para isso, usou a concepção de filosofia presente no filósofo Friedrich Nietzsche, a concepção de infância em Walter Omar (...)
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    Morality and the emotions.Carla Bagnoli & Patricia S. Greenspan (eds.) - 2015 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    Emotions shape our mental and social lives. Their relation to morality is, however, problematic. Since ancient times, philosophers have disagreed about the place of emotions in morality. One the one hand, some hold that emotions are disorderly and unpredictable animal drives, which undermine our autonomy and interfere with our reasoning. For them, emotions represent a persistent source of obstacles to morality, as in the case of self-love. Some virtues, such as prudence, temperance, and fortitude, require or simply consist in the (...)
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    Corrigendum: Pictorial Campaigns on Intimate Partner Violence Focusing on Victimized Men: A Systematic Content Analysis.Eduardo Reis, Patrícia Arriaga, Carla Moleiro & Xavier Hospital - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Pictorial Campaigns on Intimate Partner Violence Focusing on Victimized Men: A Systematic Content Analysis.Eduardo Reis, Patrícia Arriaga, Carla Moleiro & Xavier Hospital - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:519285.
    Men who are victimized in their intimate different-sex (DS) and same-sex (SS) relationships often report not having information to help them escape their abusive situations. To overcome this lack of information, public awareness campaigns have been created. But thus far, there is no clear understanding of how these campaigns reflect theoretical principles central to improve message effectiveness and avoid undesired negative effects. This study aims to review the content of intimate partner violence (IPV) pictorial campaigns focusing on victimized men in (...)
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    Culture, History, Biology, and Body: Native and Non‐Native Acquisition of Technological Skill.Ashley E. Maynard, Patricia M. Greenfield & Carla P. Childs - 1999 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 27 (3):379-402.
  8.  39
    The Moral Imagination of Patricia Werhane: A Festschrift.R. Edward Freeman, Sergiy Dmytriyev, Andrew C. Wicks, James R. Freeland, Richard T. De George, Norman E. Bowie, Ronald F. Duska, Edwin M. Hartman, Timothy J. Hargrave, Mark S. Schwartz, W. Michael Hoffman, Michael E. Gorman, Mollie Painter-Morland, Carla J. Manno, Howard Harris, David Bevan & Patricia H. Werhane - 2018 - Springer Verlag.
    This book celebrates the work of Patricia Werhane, an iconic figure in business ethics. This festschrift is a collection of articles that build on Werhane’s contributions to business ethics in such areas as Employee Rights, the Legacy of Adam Smith, Moral Imagination, Women in Business, the development of the field of business ethics, and her contributions to such fields as Health Care, Education, Teaching, and Philosophy. All papers are new contributions to the management literature written by well-known business ethicists, (...)
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    Brain Death Revisited: The Case for a National Standard.Eun-Kyoung Choi, Valita Fredland, Carla Zachodni, J. Eugene Lammers, Patricia Bledsoe & Paul R. Helft - 2008 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 36 (4):824-836.
    The concept of brain death evolved because advancements in medical science permitted unprecedented artificial maintenance of vital body functions by external means. Although the concept of brain death is accepted clinically, ethically, and legally in the United States, there is no national standard for the determination of brain death. There is evidence that variability and inconsistency in the process of determining brain death exist both in clinical settings and in State statutes. Several studies demonstrate that medical personnel determine brain death (...)
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    Mindfulness-Based Versus Story Reading Intervention in Public Elementary Schools: Effects on Executive Functions and Emotional Health.Claudete A. R. Milaré, Elisa H. Kozasa, Shirley Lacerda, Carla Barrichello, Patricia R. Tobo & Ana Lucia D. Horta - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    IntroductionIn this study we compared the effects of a mindfulness-based intervention with a story reading intervention on the executive functions and psychological profile of children in two different public schools in São Paulo, Brazil.MethodsIn this controlled clinical trial, 207 children aged 8 to 9 years old responded to the Five-Digit Test, stress levels, depression, anxiety, positive and negative affect, at baseline and 8 weeks later. From T0 to T1, school 1 participated in MBI classes and school 2 in IS classes.ResultsIn (...)
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    Alfabetização como empoderamento da cidadania em idosas com doença crônica.Luzia Wilma Santana da Silva, Ítalo Oliveira Chaves, Letícia Santos Azevedo, Neuziele Miranda da Silva, Carla Manoela Oliveira de Araújo, Leiliane Hilário Gonçalves dos Santos Correia, Eulina Patrícia Oliveira Ramos Pires & Juciara de Santana Silva - 2020 - Odeere 5 (9):408-437.
    O artigo verificou se após um programa de alfabetização, pessoas adulto-idosas com doenças crônicas apresentaram capacidade cognitiva à autonomia e autoconfiança aos cuidados de saúde. De método qualitativo na transversalidade com a pesquisa-ação, realizado no interior da Bahia com um grupo de mulheres, idade entre 53 a 73 anos, de um núcleo interdisciplinar de cuidados à saúde, todas com déficit de autocuidado potencializado pelo analfabetismo. Os resultados demonstraram que no ciclo vital tardio, mães/avós encontraram na alfabetização o empoderamento da cidadania (...)
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    L'enseignement et l'application de la nouvelle chimie au Mexique au temps de Lavoisier.Patricia Aceves - 1995 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 48 (1):123-132.
  13. Kant's Transcendental Psychology.Patricia Kitcher - 1990 - Oup Usa.
    In this innovative study Patricia Kitcher argues that we can only understand the deduction of the categories in Kant's Critique of Pure Reason in terms of his attempt to fathom the psychological prerequisites of thought. Thus a consideration of his conception of psychology is essential to an understanding of his philosophy. Kitcher specifically considers Kant's claims about the unity of the thinking self; the spatial forms of human perceptions; the relations among mental states necessary for them to have content; (...)
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    Fichte und die Aufklärung.Carla De Pascale (ed.) - 2004 - New York: G. Olms.
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    Fuzzy Calculus Theory and Its Applications.Omar Abu Arqub, Carla Pinto, Rosana Rodríguez López & Vedat Suat Ertürk - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-2.
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    The Complex Process of Mis/understanding Spatial Deixis in Face-To-Face Interaction.Carla Bazzanella - 2019 - Pragmática Sociocultural 7 (1):1-18.
    In general, understanding requires cognitive and linguistic skills, encompasses cultural, social, contextual and individual aspects, and is characterised by gradualness and dynamicity. In this study, the intertwined set of relevant components involved in the complex process of understanding space deixis will be analysed in the specific context of face-to-face interaction. In everyday conversation, this process is unavoidably mutual and may include misunderstanding (which often opens up a way to understanding), repairs, reformulations and negotiation cycles, all of which eventually lead to (...)
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  17. Respect and loving attention.Carla Bagnoli - 2003 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 33 (4):483-516.
    On Kant's view, the feeling of respect is the mark of moral agency, and is peculiar to us, animals endowed with reason. Unlike any other feeling, respect originates in the contemplation of the moral law, that is, the idea of lawful activity. This idea works as a constraint on our deliberation by discounting the pretenses of our natural desires and demoting our selfish maxims. We experience its workings in the guise of respect. Respect shows that from the agent's subjective perspective, (...)
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  18. The objective stance and the boundary problem.Carla Bagnoli - 2021 - European Journal of Philosophy 29 (3):646-663.
  19.  11
    Agir sur les autres.Carla Bertin - 2024 - Multitudes 95 (2):102-108.
    Comme ailleurs dans le monde, les courants évangéliques et pentecôtistes ont tenté dès les années 1980 de s’imposer dans l’espace public de l’Afrique de l’Ouest. Bien qu’apparus au début du XX e siècle, ce n’est que dans la deuxième moitié du siècle que l’on observe un changement dans l’engagement évangélique vis-à-vis de la société : d’un retrait du monde à une « ouverture vers l’activité politique », marquée par le thème du combat spirituel pour les territoires. En Afrique de l’Ouest, (...)
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    Working memory dysfunction in schizophrenia.Patricia S. Goldman-Rakic, S. P. Salloway, P. F. Malloy & J. D. Duffy - 2001 - In Stephen Salloway, Paul Malloy & James D. Duffy (eds.), The Frontal Lobes and Neuropsychiatric Illness. American Psychiatric Press.
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  21. Respect and Membership in the Moral Community.Carla Bagnoli - 2007 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 10 (2):113 - 128.
    Some philosophers object that Kant's respect cannot express mutual recognition because it is an attitude owed to persons in virtue of an abstract notion of autonomy and invite us to integrate the vocabulary of respect with other persons-concepts or to replace it with a social conception of recognition. This paper argues for a dialogical interpretation of respect as the key-mode of recognition of membership in the moral community. This interpretation highlights the relational and practical nature of respect, and accounts for (...)
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  22. Starting Points: Kantian Constructivism Reassessed.Carla Bagnoli - 2014 - Ratio Juris 27 (3):311-329.
    G. A. Cohen and J. Raz object that Constructivism is incoherent because it crucially deploys unconstructed elements in the structure of justification. This paper offers a response on behalf of constructivism, by reassessing the role of such unconstructed elements. First, it argues that a shared conception of rational agency works as a starting point for the justification, but it does not play a foundational role. Second, it accounts for the unconstructed norms that constrains the activity of construction as constitutive norms. (...)
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  23.  54
    Practical Knowledge, Equal Standing, and Proper Reliance on Others.Carla Bagnoli - 2020 - Theoria 86 (6):821-842.
    According to a traditional account, moral cognition is an achievement gained over time by sharing a practice under the guidance and the example of the wise, in analogy with craft and apprenticeship. This model captures an important feature of practical reason, that is, its incompleteness, and highlights our dependence on others in obtaining moral knowledge, coherently with the socially extended mind agenda and recent findings in empirical psychology. However, insofar as it accords to exemplars’ decisive authority to determine the standard (...)
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  24. Causal learning in rats and humans: a minimal rational model.Michael R. Waldmann, Patricia W. Cheng, York Hagmeyer & Blaisdell & P. Aaron - 2008 - In Nick Chater & Mike Oaksford (eds.), The Probabilistic Mind: Prospects for Bayesian Cognitive Science. Oxford University Press.
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  25. The Mafioso Case: Autonomy and Self-respect.Carla Bagnoli - 2009 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 12 (5):477-493.
    This article argues that immoralists do not fully enjoy autonomous agency because they are not capable of engaging in the proper form of practical reflection, which requires relating to others as having equal standing. An adequate diagnosis of the immoralist’s failure of agential authority requires a relational account of reflexivity and autonomy. This account has the distinctive merit of identifying the cost of disregarding moral obligations and of showing how immoralists may become susceptible to practical reason. The compelling quality of (...)
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  26. After Poststructuralism - Transitions and Transformations. The History of Continental Philosopy.Rosi Braidotti, Patricia Pisters & Alan D. Schrift (eds.) - 2010 - Acumen; Chicago University Press.
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  27. “Die Vernunft ist praktisch”. Fichtes Ethik und Rechtslehre im System.Carla De Pascale - 2004 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 66 (3):590-591.
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    La teoria e la pratica del diritto.Carla De Pascale - 1994 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 9:275-288.
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  29. The Modern Epistemic Interpretations of Probability: Logicism and Subjectivism.Maria Carla Galavotti - 2011 - In Dov M. Gabby & John Woods (eds.), Handbook of the History of Logic: Inductive Logic. North Holland: Amsterdam. pp. 153--203.
  30. Constructing Jewish identity in Ptolemaic Egypt : the case of Artapanus.Patricia D. Ahearne-Kroll - 2011 - In John Joseph Collins & Daniel C. Harlow (eds.), The "other" in Second Temple Judaism: essays in honor of John J. Collins. Grand Rapids, Mich.: W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co..
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  31. Kathleen Wright, ed., Festivals of Interpretation. Essays on Hans-Georg Gadamer's Work Reviewed by.Patricia Altenbernd Johnson - 1991 - Philosophy in Review 11 (6):439-440.
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  32. wvéVa 6¿ rcT .% Мел/ер. Macio< kj< ÏUs Рй*¿ ЪЪ-A Yõ.Patricia Rivera-García - 1998 - Tópicos 4:233-240.
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  33. Richard Nisbett and Lee Ross, Human Inference: Strategies and Shortcomings of Social Judgment Reviewed by.Patricia Smith Churchland - 1982 - Philosophy in Review 2 (5):240-242.
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  34. Pythagoras in the Sacred Cosmos of Chartres Cathedral.Patricia Trutty-Coohill - 2014 - In Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka (ed.), Phenomenology of Space and Time: The Forces of the Cosmos and the Ontopoietic Genesis of Life: Book Two. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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  35. The Authority of Reflection.Carla Bagnoli - 2007 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 22 (1):43-52.
    This paper examines Moran’s argument for the special authority of the first-person, which revolves around the Self/Other asymmetry and grounds dichotomies such as the practical vs. theoretical, activity vs. passivity, and justificatory vs. explanatory reasons. These dichotomies qualify the self-reflective person as an agent, interested in justifying her actions from a deliberative stance. The Other is pictured as a spectator interested in explaining action from a theoretical stance. The self-reflective knower has authority over her own mental states, while the Spectator (...)
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  36.  19
    European Philosophy of Science: Philosophy of Science in Europe and the Vienna Heritage.Maria Carla Galavotti, Elisabeth Nemeth & Friedrich Stadler (eds.) - 2014 - Cham: Springer.
    Jan WoleĔski Kazimierz Twardowski and the Development of Philosophy of Science in Poland Kazimierz Twardowski studied with Brentano and followed his style of doing philosophy, in particular, the thesis that the method of philosophy is  ...
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    La partialité comme atout dans les sciences humaines.Georges Gaillard, Patricia Mercader & Jean-Marc Talpin (eds.) - 2011 - Paris: In Press.
    Partisane de l'objectivité, notre culture n'envisage la science que sous l'angle de la neutralité, qui serait le seul chemin vers la vérité. Pourtant, les physiciens soutiennent depuis longtemps déjà que l'observateur modifie l'observé. Et qu'en est-il des sciences humaines, où l'objet observé est en même temps le sujet observant : l'homme? Allant à contre-courant des positions habituellement admises, ce livre pose la question de la place du sujet dans la recherche en sciences humaines. Le "sujet" dont il est question ici (...)
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    Internationalisms: a twentieth-century history.Glenda Sluga & Patricia Clavin (eds.) - 2017 - New York, New York: Cambridge University Press.
    At the turn of the twenty-first century, historical studies of internationalism--above and beyond the call to the workers of the world to unite--have become the norm in a relatively short space of time. This shift has occurred in the context of a historical vogue for 'transnationalism,' that is, capturing experiences that traversed and transcended the borders of nation-states both within and beyond the European world. The work of the diplomatic historian Akira Iriye has been central to these developments, illuminating the (...)
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  39. A Serious Proposal to the Ladies. Parts I & II.Mary Astell & Patricia Springborg - 1998 - Utopian Studies 9 (2):225-226.
  40. L'emergenza educativa sfida la famiglia: Inchieste, sondaggi, analisi.Carla D'agostino Ungaretti & Piersandro Vanzan - 2010 - Studium 106 (5):755-772.
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    Prospettive filosofiche: alterità, gender theory e transumanesimo.Carla Della Penna (ed.) - 2018 - Canterano (RM): Aracne editrice.
  42.  10
    Cosmopolitan Asia: Littoral Epistemologies of the Global South.Sharmani Patricia Gabriel & Fernando Rosa (eds.) - 2015 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    One key concept in the large body of scholarship concerned with theorizing social relations is the idea of 'cosmopolitanism'. This book unpacks the idea of cosmopolitanism through the linked knowledges of the Global South. It brings into dialogue an inter-disciplinary team of local and transnational scholars who examine various temporal, cultural, spatial and political contexts in countries as different, yet connected, as Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, India, Bangladesh, Japan, Korea and Vietnam. The book also considers a wide range of subjects – (...)
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    Whence Cognitive Prototypes in Impression Formation?: Some Empirical Evidence for Dialetical Reasoning As a Generative Process.James Lamiell & Patricia Durbeck - 1987 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 8 (2).
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  44. Categorization of speech by infants.Patricia K. Kuhl - 1985 - In Jacques Mehler & Robin Fox (eds.), Neonate Cognition: Beyond the Blooming Buzzing Confusion. Lawrence Erlbaum. pp. 231--262.
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    Evolution and Human Values.Robert Wesson & Patricia A. Williams (eds.) - 1995 - Rodopi.
    Initiated by Robert Wesson, Evolution and Human Values is a collection of newly written essays designed to bring interdisciplinary insight to that area of thought where human evolution intersects with human values. The disciplines brought to bear on the subject are diverse - philosophy, psychiatry, behavioral science, biology, anthropology, psychology, biochemistry, and sociology. Yet, as organized by co-editor Patricia A. Williams, the volume falls coherently into three related sections. Entitled Evolutionary Ethics, the first section brings contemporary research to an (...)
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  46. Intersubjectivity and domination: A feminist investigation of the sociology of Alfred Schutz.Patricia M. Lengermann & Jill Niebrugge - 1995 - Sociological Theory 13 (1):25-36.
    This paper argues the case for a renewed interest in Schutz's work by extending his theory of the conscious subject to the feminist concern with the issue of domination. We present a theoretical analysis of the subjective and intersubjective experiences of individuals relating to each other as dominant and subordinate; as our theoretical point of departure we use Schutz's concepts of the we-relation, the assumption of reciprocity of perspectives, typification, working, taken-for-grantedness, and relevance. Schutz's sociology of the conscious subject is (...)
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    Reasoning, Rationality, and Probability.Maria Carla Galavotti, Roberto Scazzieri & Patrick Suppes (eds.) - 2008 - Center for the Study of Language and Inf.
    This volume broadens our concept of reasoning and rationality to allow for a more pluralistic and situational view of human thinking as a practical activity. Drawing on contributors across disciplines including philosophy, economics, psychology, statistics, computer science, engineering, and physics, _Reasoning, Rationality, and Probability_ argues that the search for strong theories should leave room for the construction of context-sensitive conceptual tools. Both science and everyday life, the authors argue, are too complex and multifaceted to be forced into ready-made schemata.
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  48. An analytic perspective on education and children's rights.John White & Patricia White - 2001 - In Frieda Heyting, Dieter Lenzen & John Ponsford White (eds.), Methods in philosophy of education. New York: Routledge. pp. 13--29.
  49. The Taming of Content: Some Thoughts About Domains and Modules.Keith J. Holyoak & Patricia W. Cheng - forthcoming - Thinking and Reasoning.
  50. Secci ón investigativa.Diana Patricia Fonseca - forthcoming - Areté. Revista de Filosofía.
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